Comendo Mail Fence & Spam Fence Email Protection – Prologixme

The aim is to create comendo_053727.jpga business, using the Internet better security, but in a broader sense, is only the beginning of a product, and then expanded to include the entire range. This is from the beginning, if the company selling the security of the Internet, first it must inspire confidence in their products clearly. That is why the first product the customer must prove it to work, it also improves the customer’s situation. Therefore, an obvious choice is to choose a product that can improve security on the Internet, e-mail. Close dialogue with our customers to ensure that their expectations and create a product to meet. It soon became obvious that there is a gap in the market, but still requires a lot of marketing efforts to find new customers.

With the increasing spread of the Internet and the use of new challenges, such as spam appeared, so the next obvious choice of products for the company to reduce and ideally become completely delete unwanted mail communications. The company already has, but after one year of operation, has established a strong customer base, and so now has the ability to offer new products to existing customers. With customer satisfaction as the first product is clearly positive, it becomes easier to sell the product number two. It demonstrates the company’s offerings to customers a complete set of ideas is correct. Equally important is that the product is targeted to the customer actually wants to solve the problem.

Mail Fence + Spam Fence is a simple, maintenance-free combination of two Commend selling products.

Mail fence to ensure that mail is free of viruses and spam fence delete all spam. All e-mails before they reach the company and the potential to do damage, delays or crashes are scanned.

However, 99.5% of spam detection is not self-evident, which led to millions of spam blocking every day.

Maintenance-free and no setup: When we say maintenance-free. The only set-up required is a few changes to the company’s email set-up.
Our technicians help you through the entire process.
Individuality counts.
Leave the work to us.

1. Always effective spam, virus and malware filtering
2. Filtering on Internet level
3. No maintenance
4. Accurate e-mail traffic statistics
5. Up and running within 24 hours